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New Directions in the Modeling of Organometallic Reactions Agustí Lledós Editor
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New Directions in the Modeling of Organometallic Reactions Agustí Lledós Editor - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783030569969

This book focuses on the computational modeling of organometallic reactivity. In recent years, computational methods, particularly those based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) have been… Mehr…

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New Directions in the Modeling of Organometallic Reactions - Agustí Lledós; Gregori Ujaque
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€ 213,99
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Agustí Lledós; Gregori Ujaque:

New Directions in the Modeling of Organometallic Reactions - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783030569969

This book focuses on the computational modeling of organometallic reactivity. In recent years, computational methods, particularly those based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) have been… Mehr…

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€ 255,99
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Agusti Lledos; Gregori Ujaque:
New Directions in the Modeling of Organometallic Reactions - neues Buch


ISBN: 9783030569969

eBooks, eBook Download (EPUB), [PU: Springer International Publishing], Springer International Publishing, 2020

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Details zum Buch

Detailangaben zum Buch - New Directions in the Modeling of Organometallic Reactions Agustí Lledós Editor

EAN (ISBN-13): 9783030569969
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Herausgeber: Springer-Verlag New York, LLC Digital >16

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2021-10-28T20:45:07+02:00 (Vienna)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-07-15T02:05:55+02:00 (Vienna)
ISBN/EAN: 9783030569969

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
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Titel des Buches: organometallic

Daten vom Verlag:

Autor/in: Agustí Lledós; Gregori Ujaque
Titel: Topics in Organometallic Chemistry; New Directions in the Modeling of Organometallic Reactions
Verlag: Springer; Springer International Publishing
269 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020-11-05
Cham; CH
Sprache: Englisch
309,23 € (DE)
317,90 € (AT)
354,00 CHF (CH)
IX, 269 p. 1 illus.

EA; E107; eBook; Nonbooks, PBS / Chemie/Organische Chemie; Metallorganische Chemie; Verstehen; computational organometallics; organometallic chemistry; Computational modeling of reactions; Density Functional Theory; Microkinetic models; metal-ligand bonding; vibrational spectroscopy; C; Organometallic Chemistry; Theoretical Chemistry; Catalysis; Chemistry and Materials Science; Quanten- und theoretische Chemie; Katalyse; BB

Given the broad interest and extensive application that computational methods have reached within the organometallic community, this new volume will attract the interest of both experimental and computational organometallic chemists.
Overview of the expanding computational treatment of organometallic systems toward new directions in this field Describes the potentiality of recent theoretical and methodological computational developments applied to organometallics Presents possibilities in the application of computational methods to organometallic systems

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