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2023, ISBN: 303124902X


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Hot Topics in Human Reproduction: Ethics, Law and Society Joseph G. Schenker Editor - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783031249020

This new volume in the Reproductive Medicine for Clinicians series of the International Academy of Human Reproduction (IAHR) focuses on current hot topics in the field, their ethical and … Mehr…

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Hot Topics in Human Reproduction
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Hot Topics in Human Reproduction - neues Buch

ISBN: 9783031249020

This new volume in the Reproductive Medicine for Clinicians series of the International Academy of Human Reproduction (IAHR) focuses on current hot topics in the field, their ethical and … Mehr…

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Hot Topics in Human Reproduction: Ethics, Law and Society: 3 (Reproductive Medicine for Clinicians, 3) - Erstausgabe

2023, ISBN: 9783031249020

Gebundene Ausgabe

Editor: Schenker, Joseph G. Editor: Birkhaeuser, Martin H. Editor: Genazzani, Andrea R. Editor: Mettler, Liselotte, Editor: Sciarra, John J. Springer, Hardcover, Auflage: 1st ed. 2023, 25… Mehr…

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Hot Topics in Human Reproduction: Ethics, Law and Society: 3 (Reproductive Medicine for Clinicians, 3)
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Hot Topics in Human Reproduction: Ethics, Law and Society: 3 (Reproductive Medicine for Clinicians, 3) - Erstausgabe

2023, ISBN: 9783031249020

Gebundene Ausgabe

Editor: Schenker, Joseph G. Editor: Birkhaeuser, Martin H. Editor: Genazzani, Andrea R. Editor: Mettler, Liselotte, Editor: Sciarra, John J. Springer, Hardcover, Auflage: 1st ed. 2023, 25… Mehr…

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Details zum Buch

Detailangaben zum Buch - Hot Topics in Human Reproduction: Ethics, Law and Society Joseph G. Schenker Editor

EAN (ISBN-13): 9783031249020
ISBN (ISBN-10): 303124902X
Gebundene Ausgabe
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Herausgeber: Springer International Publishing Core >2

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2023-04-06T16:39:00+02:00 (Vienna)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-01-20T11:40:33+01:00 (Vienna)
ISBN/EAN: 9783031249020

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
3-031-24902-X, 978-3-031-24902-0
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: mettler martin, schenker
Titel des Buches: ethics and society, ethics reproductive medicine, hot topics

Daten vom Verlag:

Autor/in: Joseph G. Schenker; Martin H. Birkhaeuser; Andrea R. Genazzani; Liselotte Mettler; John J. Sciarra
Titel: Reproductive Medicine for Clinicians; Hot Topics in Human Reproduction - Ethics, Law and Society
Verlag: Springer; Springer International Publishing
251 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023-03-17
Cham; CH
Gedruckt / Hergestellt in Niederlande.
Sprache: Englisch
149,79 € (DE)
153,99 € (AT)
165,50 CHF (CH)
VIII, 251 p. 14 illus., 12 illus. in color.

BB; Hardcover, Softcover / Medizin/Klinische Fächer; Reproduktionsmedizin; Verstehen; Pregnancy; ART; Cloning; Prenatal Testing; Covid-19; Stem Cells; Artificial Intelligence; Heritable Gene Editing; Gametes Donation; Fertility Preservation; SDG3 related; Reproductive Medicine; Bioethics; Health, Medicine and Society; Medical Law; Nursing Ethics; Bioethik; Krankheit und Sucht: soziale Aspekte; Recht des Gesundheitswesens und Medizinrecht; Krankenpflege: Forschung und Lehre; Medizinethik, Standesregeln; EA; BC

This new volume in the Reproductive Medicine for Clinicians series of the International Academy of Human Reproduction (IAHR) focuses on current hot topics in the field, their ethical and legal aspects and their impact on society.

It covers topics such as Covid-19, religious and philosophical controversies, possibilities that new technologies offer, human reproductive cloning problems, future challenges related to the heritable gene editing, therapeutic use of stem cells and stem cell factors and the role of receptors in steroids hormone action.

This volume also offers an analysis of important innovations and new possibilities such as the use of artificial intelligence in reproductive medicine and the future of prenatal testing.  The volume also discusses the issues of pregnancies in advanced paternal age, ethical and legal aspects of gametes donation, sex preselection, surrogate motherhood and infertility in overweight or obese PCOS patients. Chapters on the ethicaland legal aspects of fertility preservation in woman, in children with cancer, and in patients sparing treatments in gynecological oncology are also included.

Joseph G. Schenker, IAHR President, Professor and Chairman (Emeritus), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel. 

Martin Birkhaeuser, Professor Emeritus of Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, University of Berne, Switzerland. 

Andrea R. Genazzani, IAHR General Secretary, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Pisa, Italy. 

John J. Sciarra, IAHR Vice President, Professor and Chairman Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL, USA. 

Liselotte Mettler, IAHR Treasurer and General Director, Professor Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Clinics of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany. 

This new volume in the Reproductive Medicine for Clinicians series of the International Academy of Human Reproduction (IAHR) focuses on current hot topics in the field, their ethical and legal aspects and their impact on society.

It covers topics such as Covid-19, religious and philosophical controversies, possibilities that new technologies offer, human reproductive cloning problems, future challenges related to the heritable gene editing, therapeutic use of stem cells and stem cell factors and the role of receptors in steroids hormone action.

This volume also offers an analysis of important innovations and new possibilities such as the use of artificial intelligence in reproductive medicine and the future of prenatal testing.  The volume also discusses the issues of pregnancies in advanced paternal age, ethical and legal aspects of gametes donation, sex preselection, surrogate motherhood and infertility in overweight or obese PCOS patients. Chapters on the ethicaland legal aspects of fertility preservation in woman, in children with cancer, and in patients sparing treatments in gynecological oncology are also included.

This new volume in the series is a valuable resource for gynecologists, obstetricians, endocrinologists, general practitioners and all specialists dealing with reproductive health.

Written by leading experts in the field Provides insights into some of the most hot topics in reproductive medicine Sheds a new light on pregnancies in advanced paternal Age

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