Anonym:The Bush Doctrine of Preemptive Strike. Significance and Consequences
- Taschenbuch 2010, ISBN: 3640664299
[EAN: 9783640664290], Gebraucht, wie neu, [SC: 2.4], [PU: GRIN Publishing], Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Politics - International Politics -… Mehr…
[EAN: 9783640664290], Gebraucht, wie neu, [SC: 2.4], [PU: GRIN Publishing], Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: USA, grade: 2,3, Free University of Berlin, language: English, abstract: With the release of the National Security Strategy (NSS) in September 2002, theadministration of President George W. Bush developed the ideological keystone for U.S.foreign policy for the beginning of the 21st century. The document is therefore often referredto as the Bush Doctrine. Its publication, and more so, its application in the American foreignpolicy agenda, has caused tensions among politicians, diplomats and citizens all around theglobe. The consequences, however, may be more consequential than just a temporary low inthe international political climate. The Bush Doctrine '[.] affirms the legitimacy of anAmerican preventive strike and emphasizes the notion that 'If you are not with us, you areagainst us.' U.S. foreign policy, therefore, is [.] about shedding the multilateralism favoredby the Clinton administration and pursuing a more active, unilateral approach' (Glazov2002, 1).In the following, I intend to analyze what consequences the U.S. foreign policyissued in the 2002 NSS has on America itself and on the international community in generalIn particular, I will deal with the definition of prevention and preemption and theAdministration's unilateral approach towards global politics. As both friends and enemiesevaluate the meaning of the 2002 NSS, it becomes evident that great danger might lie in theambiguous wording of the Doctrine. The question is now, whether it will prove to be a soundand effective strategy in the War on Terror or continue to disunite America and its allies, ifits content is not properly clarified and addressed 20 pp. Englisch, Books<
| | ZVAB.comSmartbuy, Einbeck, Germany [82220461] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NOT NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 2.40 Details... |
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Anonym:The Bush Doctrine of Preemptive Strike. Significance and Consequences
- Taschenbuch 2010, ISBN: 3640664299
[EAN: 9783640664290], Neubuch, [PU: GRIN Verlag], nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: USA, g… Mehr…
[EAN: 9783640664290], Neubuch, [PU: GRIN Verlag], nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: USA, grade: 2,3, Free University of Berlin, language: English, abstract: With the release of the National Security Strategy (NSS) in September 2002, theadministration of President George W. Bush developed the ideological keystone for U.S.foreign policy for the beginning of the 21st century. The document is therefore often referredto as the Bush Doctrine. Its publication, and more so, its application in the American foreignpolicy agenda, has caused tensions among politicians, diplomats and citizens all around theglobe. The consequences, however, may be more consequential than just a temporary low inthe international political climate. The Bush Doctrine '[.] affirms the legitimacy of anAmerican preventive strike and emphasizes the notion that 'If you are not with us, you areagainst us.' U.S. foreign policy, therefore, is [.] about shedding the multilateralism favoredby the Clinton administration and pursuing a more active, unilateral approach' (Glazov2002, 1).In the following, I intend to analyze what consequences the U.S. foreign policyissued in the 2002 NSS has on America itself and on the international community in generalIn particular, I will deal with the definition of prevention and preemption and theAdministration's unilateral approach towards global politics. As both friends and enemiesevaluate the meaning of the 2002 NSS, it becomes evident that great danger might lie in theambiguous wording of the Doctrine. The question is now, whether it will prove to be a soundand effective strategy in the War on Terror or continue to disunite America and its allies, ifits content is not properly clarified and addressed 20 pp. Englisch, Books<
| | AbeBooks.deAHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Germany [51283250] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NEW BOOK. Versandkosten:Versandkostenfrei. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.

The Bush Doctrine of Preemptive Strike. Significance and Consequences
- neues Buch2005, ISBN: 9783640664290
Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: USA, grade: 2,3, Free University of Berlin, language: English, abstract: With the release of th… Mehr…
Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: USA, grade: 2,3, Free University of Berlin, language: English, abstract: With the release of the National Security Strategy (NSS) in September 2002, the administration of President George W. Bush developed the ideological keystone for U.S. foreign policy for the beginning of the 21st century. The document is therefore often referred to as the Bush Doctrine. Its publication, and more so, its application in the American foreign policy agenda, has caused tensions among politicians, diplomats and citizens all around the globe. The consequences, however, may be more consequential than just a temporary low in the international political climate. The Bush Doctrine '[...] affirms the legitimacy of an American preventive strike and emphasizes the notion that 'If you are not with us, you are against us.' U.S. foreign policy, therefore, is [...] about shedding the multilateralism favored by the Clinton administration and pursuing a more active, unilateral approach' (Glazov 2002, 1). In the following, I intend to analyze what consequences the U.S. foreign policy issued in the 2002 NSS has on America itself and on the international community in general In particular, I will deal with the definition of prevention and preemption and the Administration's unilateral approach towards global politics. As both friends and enemies evaluate the meaning of the 2002 NSS, it becomes evident that great danger might lie in the ambiguous wording of the Doctrine. The question is now, whether it will prove to be a sound and effective strategy in the War on Terror or continue to disunite America and its allies, if its content is not properly clarified and addressed Bücher > Fremdsprachige Bücher > Englische Bücher 210 x 148 x 1 mm , GRIN, Anonym, GRIN<
| | Orellfuessli.chNr. A1013680989. Versandkosten:Lieferzeiten außerhalb der Schweiz 3 bis 21 Werktage, , Versandfertig innert 6 - 9 Werktagen, zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 17.17) Details... |
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.

The Bush Doctrine of Preemptive Strike. Significance and Consequences
- neues Buch2010, ISBN: 9783640664290
Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: USA, grade: 2,3, Free University of Berlin, language: English, abstract: With the release of th… Mehr…
Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: USA, grade: 2,3, Free University of Berlin, language: English, abstract: With the release of the National Security Strategy (NSS) in September 2002, the administration of President George W. Bush developed the ideological keystone for U.S. foreign policy for the beginning of the 21st century. The document is therefore often referred to as the Bush Doctrine. Its publication, and more so, its application in the American foreign policy agenda, has caused tensions among politicians, diplomats and citizens all around the globe. The consequences, however, may be more consequential than just a temporary low in the international political climate. The Bush Doctrine '[...] affirms the legitimacy of an American preventive strike and emphasizes the notion that 'If you are not with us, you are against us.' U.S. foreign policy, therefore, is [...] about shedding the multilateralism favored by the Clinton administration and pursuing a more active, unilateral approach' (Glazov 2002, 1). In the following, I intend to analyze what consequences the U.S. foreign policy issued in the 2002 NSS has on America itself and on the international community in general In particular, I will deal with the definition of prevention and preemption and the Administration's unilateral approach towards global politics. As both friends and enemies evaluate the meaning of the 2002 NSS, it becomes evident that great danger might lie in the ambiguous wording of the Doctrine. The question is now, whether it will prove to be a sound and effective strategy in the War on Terror or continue to disunite America and its allies, if its content is not properly clarified and addressed Buch (dtsch.) Anonym Geheftet, GRIN, 30.07.2010, GRIN, 2010<
| | Orellfuessli.chNr. 23424043. Versandkosten:, Versandfertig innert 4 - 7 Werktagen, zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 17.11) Details... |
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.

Anonymous:The Bush Doctrine of Preemptive Strike. Significance and Consequences | Anonymous | Taschenbuch | Booklet | 20 S. | Englisch | 2010 | GRIN Verlag | EAN 9783640664290
- Taschenbuch 2010, ISBN: 9783640664290
[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: GRIN Verlag], Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Politics - Region: USA, grade: 2,3, Free University of Berlin, language: English, abstract: With the … Mehr…
[ED: Taschenbuch], [PU: GRIN Verlag], Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Politics - Region: USA, grade: 2,3, Free University of Berlin, language: English, abstract: With the release of the National Security Strategy (NSS) in September 2002, the administration of President George W. Bush developed the ideological keystone for U.S. foreign policy for the beginning of the 21st century. The document is therefore often referred to as the Bush Doctrine. Its publication, and more so, its application in the American foreign policy agenda, has caused tensions among politicians, diplomats and citizens all around the globe. The consequences, however, may be more consequential than just a temporary low in the international political climate. The Bush Doctrine ¿[¿] affirms the legitimacy of an American preventive strike and emphasizes the notion that ¿If you are not with us, you are against us.¿ U.S. foreign policy, therefore, is [¿] about shedding the multilateralism favored by the Clinton administration and pursuing a..., DE, [SC: 0.00], Neuware, gewerbliches Angebot, 20, [GW: 45g], 4. Auflage, Banküberweisung, PayPal, [CT: Sonstiges / Sonstiges]<
| | booklooker.depreigu Versandkosten:Versandkostenfrei, Versand nach Deutschland. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.