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Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control
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CHF 152,90
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Versand: € 18,441
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Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control - neues Buch

2004, ISBN: 9783642026058

The understanding of empirical traf?c congestion occurring on unsignalized mul- lane highways and freeways is a key for effective traf?c management, control, or- nization, and other appli… Mehr…

Nr. A1031484582. Versandkosten:Lieferzeiten außerhalb der Schweiz 3 bis 21 Werktage, , Sofort per Download lieferbar, zzgl. Versandkosten. (EUR 18.44)
bei Thalia.de
€ 128,39
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Boris S. Kerner:

Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control - neues Buch

2009, ISBN: 9783642026058

This in-depth treatment explains the nature of traffic breakdown and the resulting congestion in vehicular traffic on the basis of three-phase traffic theory, in a manner consistent with … Mehr…

Nr. 24553174. Versandkosten:, Sofort per Download lieferbar, DE. (EUR 0.00)
bei Thalia.de
€ 128,39
Versand: € 0,001
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Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control - neues Buch


ISBN: 9783642026058

This in-depth treatment explains the nature of traffic breakdown and the resulting congestion in vehicular traffic on the basis of three-phase traffic theory, in a manner consistent with … Mehr…

Nr. 24553174. Versandkosten:, Sofort per Download lieferbar, DE. (EUR 0.00)
Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control - Boris S. Kerner
bei lehmanns.de
€ 128,39
Versand: € 0,001
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Boris S. Kerner:
Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control - Erstausgabe

2009, ISBN: 9783642026058

The Long Road to Three-Phase Traffic Theory, eBooks, eBook Download (PDF), Auflage, [PU: Springer-Verlag], [ED: 1], Springer-Verlag, 2009

Versandkosten:Download sofort lieferbar. (EUR 0.00)
Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control - Boris S. Kerner
bei lehmanns.de
€ 128,39
Versand: € 0,001
Bestellengesponserter Link
Boris S. Kerner:
Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control - neues Buch

2009, ISBN: 9783642026058

The Long Road to Three-Phase Traffic Theory, eBooks, eBook Download (PDF), 2009, [PU: Springer Berlin], Springer Berlin, 2009

Versandkosten:Download sofort lieferbar. (EUR 0.00)

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Details zum Buch

Detailangaben zum Buch - Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control

EAN (ISBN-13): 9783642026058
ISBN (ISBN-10): 3642026052
Erscheinungsjahr: 2009
Herausgeber: Springer-Verlag
265 Seiten
Sprache: eng/Englisch

Buch in der Datenbank seit 2010-05-29T07:43:17+02:00 (Vienna)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2023-04-15T23:51:00+02:00 (Vienna)
ISBN/EAN: 9783642026058

ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
3-642-02605-2, 978-3-642-02605-8
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: kerner boris, boris manner
Titel des Buches: traffic flow theory and control, phase phase, the long road, introduction control traffic modern theory flow

Daten vom Verlag:

Autor/in: Boris S. Kerner
Titel: Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control - The Long Road to Three-Phase Traffic Theory
Verlag: Springer; Springer Berlin
265 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2009-09-16
Berlin; Heidelberg; DE
Sprache: Englisch
96,29 € (DE)
99,00 € (AT)
118,00 CHF (CH)
XIII, 265 p.

EA; E107; eBook; Nonbooks, PBS / Technik/Maschinenbau, Fertigungstechnik; Fahrzeugbau; Verstehen; freeway control; moving jams; traffic; traffic theory; vehicle motion; C; Automotive Engineering; Complex Systems; Operations Research and Decision Theory; Regional and Spatial Economics; Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics; Engineering; Kybernetik und Systemtheorie; Unternehmensforschung; Management: Entscheidungstheorie; Wirtschaftspolitik, politische Ökonomie; Regionalstudien / Internationale Studien; Mathematische Physik; BC

Three-Phase Traffic Theory.- Definitions of The Three Traffic Phases.- Nature of Traffic Breakdown at Bottleneck.- Infinite Number of Highway Capacities of Free Flow at Bottleneck.- Nature of Moving Jam Emergence.- Origin of Hypotheses and Terms of Three-Phase Traffic Theory.- Spatiotemporal Traffic Congested Patterns.- II Impact of Three-Phase Traffic Theory on.- to Part II:Compendium of Three-Phase Traffic Theory.- Freeway Traffic Control based on Three-Phase Traffic Theory.- Earlier Theoretical Basis of Transportation Engineering: Fundamental Diagram Approach.- Three-Phase Traffic Flow Models.- Linking of Three-Phase Traffic Theory and Fundamental Diagram Approach to Traffic Flow Modeling.- Conclusions and Outlook.
Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras

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