2021, ISBN: 365832970X
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ISBN: 9783658329709
Paperback, [PU: Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG], The importance of the energy and commodity markets has steadily increased since the first oil crisis. The sustained u… Mehr…
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2021, ISBN: 365832970X
1st ed. 2021 Kartoniert / Broschiert Wirtschaftsmathematik und -informatik, IT-Management, Unternehmensanwendungen, Energieeffizienz; HybrideSimulation; KombinierteSimulation; Simulatio… Mehr…
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Simulation-based Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Production (Forschung zur Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft | Advanced Studies in Business Digitization) - Erstausgabe
2021, ISBN: 9783658329709
Springer Gabler, Taschenbuch, Auflage: 1st ed. 2021, 252 Seiten, Publiziert: 2021-02-12T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.74 kg, Recht, Kategorien, Bücher, Einkauf, Produktion & Logistik,… Mehr…
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2021, ISBN: 365832970X
Simulation-based Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Production ab 79.99 € als Taschenbuch: 1st ed. 2021. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Wirtschaft & Soziales, Springer Fachmedi… Mehr…
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2021, ISBN: 365832970X
ISBN: 9783658329709
Paperback, [PU: Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG], The importance of the energy and commodity markets has steadily increased since the first oil crisis. The sustained u… Mehr…
ISBN: 365832970X
1st ed. 2021 Kartoniert / Broschiert Wirtschaftsmathematik und -informatik, IT-Management, Unternehmensanwendungen, Energieeffizienz; HybrideSimulation; KombinierteSimulation; Simulatio… Mehr…
Simulation-based Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Production (Forschung zur Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft | Advanced Studies in Business Digitization) - Erstausgabe
2021, ISBN: 9783658329709
Springer Gabler, Taschenbuch, Auflage: 1st ed. 2021, 252 Seiten, Publiziert: 2021-02-12T00:00:01Z, Produktgruppe: Buch, 0.74 kg, Recht, Kategorien, Bücher, Einkauf, Produktion & Logistik,… Mehr…
2021, ISBN: 365832970X
Simulation-based Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Production ab 79.99 € als Taschenbuch: 1st ed. 2021. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Wirtschaft & Soziales, Springer Fachmedi… Mehr…
Bibliographische Daten des bestpassenden Buches
Detailangaben zum Buch - Simulation-based Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Production (Forschung zur Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft | Advanced Studies in Business Digitization)
EAN (ISBN-13): 9783658329709
ISBN (ISBN-10): 365832970X
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Herausgeber: Springer Gabler
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2021-06-05T11:18:12+02:00 (Vienna)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2023-04-20T12:57:09+02:00 (Vienna)
ISBN/EAN: 9783658329709
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
3-658-32970-X, 978-3-658-32970-9
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: römer römer, roemer
Titel des Buches: simulation, lawrence
Daten vom Verlag:
Autor/in: Anna Carina Römer
Titel: Forschung zur Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft | Advanced Studies in Business Digitization; Simulation-based Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Production
Verlag: Springer Gabler; Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
221 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021-02-12
Wiesbaden; DE
Gedruckt / Hergestellt in Niederlande.
Sprache: Englisch
53,49 € (DE)
54,99 € (AT)
59,00 CHF (CH)
XXVIII, 221 p. 101 illus.
BC; Hardcover, Softcover / Wirtschaft/Allgemeines, Lexika; Wirtschaftsmathematik und -informatik, IT-Management; Verstehen; Management; Energieeffizienz; Hybride Simulation; Kombinierte Simulation; Simulationsbasierte Optimierung; Produktionssimulation; Energiesimulation; IT in Business; Operations Management; Unternehmensanwendungen; Management spezifischer Bereiche; EA
The importance of the energy and commodity markets has steadily increased since the first oil crisis. The sustained use of energy and other resources has become a basic requirement for a company to competitively perform on the market. The modeling, analysis and assessment of dynamic production processes is often performed using simulation software. While existing approaches mainly focus on the consideration of resource consumption variables based on metrologically collected data on operating states, the aim of this work is to depict the energy consumption of production plants through the utilization of a continuous simulation approach in combination with a discrete approach for the modeling of material flows and supporting logistic processes. The complex interactions between the material flow and the energy usage in production can thus be simulated closer to reality, especially the depiction of energy consumption peaks becomes possible. An essential step towards reducing energy consumption in production is the optimization of the energy use of non-value-adding production phases.
Anna Carina Römer was an external doctoral student at the Department of Information Technology in Production and Logistics at the Technische Universität Ilmenau. The main focus of her research was on hybrid simulation models, with a focus on both the conceptual design of hybrid simulation models and the use of hybrid models for the optimization of energy consumption in production plants.
About the author:The importance of the energy and commodity markets has steadily increased since the first oil crisis. The sustained use of energy and other resources has become a basic requirement for a company to competitively perform on the market. The modeling, analysis and assessment of dynamic production processes is often performed using simulation software. While existing approaches mainly focus on the consideration of resource consumption variables based on metrologically collected data on operating states, the aim of this work is to depict the energy consumption of production plants through the utilization of a continuous simulation approach in combination with a discrete approach for the modeling of material flows and supporting logistic processes. The complex interactions between the material flow and the energy usage in production can thus be simulated closer to reality, especially the depiction of energy consumption peaks becomes possible. An essential step towards reducing energy consumption in production is the optimization of the energy use of non-value-adding production phases.
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