2001, ISBN: 9783835090125
Foreword Qing-Yun Jiang was born in Fujian, China. He studied International Business Administration at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade in Shanghai, where he graduated with a Bache… Mehr…
hive.co.uk No. 9783835090125. Versandkosten:Instock, Despatched same working day before 3pm, zzgl. Versandkosten. Details... |

2001, ISBN: 9783835090125
Foreword Qing-Yun Jiang was born in Fujian, China. He studied International Business Administration at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade in Shanghai, where he graduated with a Bache… Mehr…
hive.co.uk No. 9783835090125. Versandkosten:Instock, Despatched same working day before 3pm, zzgl. Versandkosten. Details... |

2001, ISBN: 9783835090125
Foreword Qing-Yun Jiang was born in Fujian, China. He studied International Business Administration at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade in Shanghai, where he graduated with a Bache… Mehr…
Springer.com Nr. 978-3-8350-9012-5. Versandkosten:Worldwide free shipping, , DE. (EUR 0.00) Details... |

ISBN: 9783835090125
*Court Delay and Law Enforcement in China* - Civil process and economic perspective / pdf eBook für 53.49 € / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Fachthemen & Wissenschaft, Recht Medien > Bücher nei… Mehr…
Hugendubel.de Versandkosten:In stock (Download), , Versandkostenfrei nach Hause oder Express-Lieferung in Ihre Buchhandlung., DE. (EUR 0.00) Details... |

ISBN: 9783835090125
Court Delay and Law Enforcement in China - Civil process and economic perspective: ab 53.49 € eBooks > Fachthemen & Wissenschaft > Recht Gabler Betriebswirt.-Vlg eBook als pdf, Gabler Bet… Mehr…
eBook.de Versandkosten:in stock, , , DE. (EUR 0.00) Details... |

2001, ISBN: 9783835090125
Foreword Qing-Yun Jiang was born in Fujian, China. He studied International Business Administration at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade in Shanghai, where he graduated with a Bache… Mehr…

Victor Silverio Posadas Hernandez:
Court Delay and Law Enforcement in China : Civil process and economic perspective - neues Buch2001, ISBN: 9783835090125
Foreword Qing-Yun Jiang was born in Fujian, China. He studied International Business Administration at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade in Shanghai, where he graduated with a Bache… Mehr…

ISBN: 9783835090125
Foreword Qing-Yun Jiang was born in Fujian, China. He studied International Business Administration at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade in Shanghai, where he graduated with a Bache… Mehr…

ISBN: 9783835090125
*Court Delay and Law Enforcement in China* - Civil process and economic perspective / pdf eBook für 53.49 € / Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Fachthemen & Wissenschaft, Recht Medien > Bücher nei… Mehr…

ISBN: 9783835090125
Court Delay and Law Enforcement in China - Civil process and economic perspective: ab 53.49 € eBooks > Fachthemen & Wissenschaft > Recht Gabler Betriebswirt.-Vlg eBook als pdf, Gabler Bet… Mehr…
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Detailangaben zum Buch - Court Delay and Law Enforcement in China
EAN (ISBN-13): 9783835090125
ISBN (ISBN-10): 3835090127
Erscheinungsjahr: 2008
Herausgeber: Gabler Betriebswirt.-Vlg
265 Seiten
Sprache: eng/Englisch
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2009-02-07T08:39:54+01:00 (Vienna)
Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2024-03-13T10:41:57+01:00 (Vienna)
ISBN/EAN: 9783835090125
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen:
3-8350-9012-7, 978-3-8350-9012-5
Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Autor des Buches: qing, yün, jia jiang, schafer
Titel des Buches: whatever the delay, enforcement, china court, china 1890 1930
Daten vom Verlag:
Autor/in: Qing-Yun Jiang
Titel: Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts; Court Delay and Law Enforcement in China - Civil process and economic perspective
Verlag: Deutscher Universitätsverlag; Deutscher Universitätsverlag
267 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2008-05-15
Wiesbaden; DE
Sprache: Englisch
53,49 € (DE)
55,00 € (AT)
59,00 CHF (CH)
XVI, 267 p. With 2 charts.
EA; E107; eBook; Nonbooks, PBS / Wirtschaft/Internationale Wirtschaft; Entwicklungsökonomie und Schwellenländer; Verstehen; Accessibility of justice; China; Court delay; Judicial reform; Justice; Law and economic development; Litigation cost; C; Emerging Markets/Globalization; Law and Economics; Emerging Markets and Globalization; Law and Economics; Business and Management; Wirtschaftswissenschaft; Recht; BC
Special problems of the judicial system in developing countries Legal system and civil process in China Functioning of the court system: duration of the courts Critical evaluation of the functioning of the court system - restructuring the court system Litigation costs, court budgets and access to justice Enforcement of judgments by the courtsWeitere, andere Bücher, die diesem Buch sehr ähnlich sein könnten:
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