S. M. Abdur Razzak: Photonic Crystal Fibers : Design and Applications - Taschenbuch
2010, ISBN: 3838369351
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing], nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Printed after ordering - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal f… Mehr…
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing], nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Printed after ordering - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers as well as ways of designing such optical properties as chromatic dispersion, nonlinearity, confinement loss, birefringence, and effective mode area. The state-of-the-art of the aforesaid application specific design problems have also been presented. FEATURES 1. Describes the basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers and their optical properties. 2. Reviews the literature for application specific design problems. 2. Presents ways to design near-zero dispersion- flat photonic crystal fibers with modest design parameters. 3. Presents ways to manage nonlinearity, confinement loss, and dispersion simultaneously. 4. Reviews the numerical computation techniques and describes the finite difference time domain method. 5. Presents birefringence tailoring techniques and a way to designing large effective mode area. 6. Describes applications and future of the photonic crystal fibers. This book can either be used as a design textbook or a reference source for both beginners as well as for graduate students. 124 pp. Englisch, Books<
S. M. Abdur Razzak: Photonic Crystal Fibers : Design and Applications - Taschenbuch
2010, ISBN: 3838369351
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP Lambert Acad. Publ. Aug 2010], This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fiber… Mehr…
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP Lambert Acad. Publ. Aug 2010], This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers as well as ways of designing such optical properties as chromatic dispersion, nonlinearity, confinement loss, birefringence, and effective mode area. The state-of-the-art of the aforesaid application specific design problems have also been presented. FEATURES 1. Describes the basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers and their optical properties. 2. Reviews the literature for application specific design problems. 2. Presents ways to design near-zero dispersion- flat photonic crystal fibers with modest design parameters. 3. Presents ways to manage nonlinearity, confinement loss, and dispersion simultaneously. 4. Reviews the numerical computation techniques and describes the finite difference time domain method. 5. Presents birefringence tailoring techniques and a way to designing large effective mode area. 6. Describes applications and future of the photonic crystal fibers. This book can either be used as a design textbook or a reference source for both beginners as well as for graduate students. 124 pp. Englisch<
S. M. Abdur Razzak: Photonic Crystal Fibers - Taschenbuch
2010, ISBN: 3838369351
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP Lambert Acad. Publ. Aug 2010], Neuware - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers as well as ways of designing such optical prope… Mehr…
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP Lambert Acad. Publ. Aug 2010], Neuware - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers as well as ways of designing such optical properties as chromatic dispersion, nonlinearity, confinement loss, birefringence, and effective mode area. The state-of-the-art of the aforesaid application specific design problems have also been presented. FEATURES 1. Describes the basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers and their optical properties. 2. Reviews the literature for application specific design problems. 2. Presents ways to design near-zero dispersion- flat photonic crystal fibers with modest design parameters. 3. Presents ways to manage nonlinearity, confinement loss, and dispersion simultaneously. 4. Reviews the numerical computation techniques and describes the finite difference time domain method. 5. Presents birefringence tailoring techniques and a way to designing large effective mode area. 6. Describes applications and future of the photonic crystal fibers. This book can either be used as a design textbook or a reference source for both beginners as well as for graduate students. 124 pp. Englisch<
S M Abdur Razzak: Photonic Crystal Fibers Design and Applications - Taschenbuch
2010, ISBN: 3838369351
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing], New Book. Shipped from UK. THIS BOOK IS PRINTED ON DEMAND. Established seller since 2000., Books
PBShop.store US, Wood Dale, IL, U.S.A. [8408184] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 4.64 Details...
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
Photonic Crystal Fibers : Design and Applications - Taschenbuch
2010, ISBN: 3838369351
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing], nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Printed after ordering - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal f… Mehr…
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing], nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Printed after ordering - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers as well as ways of designing such optical properties as chromatic dispersion, nonlinearity, confinement loss, birefringence, and effective mode area. The state-of-the-art of the aforesaid application specific design problems have also been presented. FEATURES 1. Describes the basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers and their optical properties. 2. Reviews the literature for application specific design problems. 2. Presents ways to design near-zero dispersion- flat photonic crystal fibers with modest design parameters. 3. Presents ways to manage nonlinearity, confinement loss, and dispersion simultaneously. 4. Reviews the numerical computation techniques and describes the finite difference time domain method. 5. Presents birefringence tailoring techniques and a way to designing large effective mode area. 6. Describes applications and future of the photonic crystal fibers. This book can either be used as a design textbook or a reference source for both beginners as well as for graduate students. 124 pp. Englisch, Books<
Photonic Crystal Fibers : Design and Applications - Taschenbuch
2010, ISBN: 3838369351
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP Lambert Acad. Publ. Aug 2010], This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fiber… Mehr…
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP Lambert Acad. Publ. Aug 2010], This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers as well as ways of designing such optical properties as chromatic dispersion, nonlinearity, confinement loss, birefringence, and effective mode area. The state-of-the-art of the aforesaid application specific design problems have also been presented. FEATURES 1. Describes the basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers and their optical properties. 2. Reviews the literature for application specific design problems. 2. Presents ways to design near-zero dispersion- flat photonic crystal fibers with modest design parameters. 3. Presents ways to manage nonlinearity, confinement loss, and dispersion simultaneously. 4. Reviews the numerical computation techniques and describes the finite difference time domain method. 5. Presents birefringence tailoring techniques and a way to designing large effective mode area. 6. Describes applications and future of the photonic crystal fibers. This book can either be used as a design textbook or a reference source for both beginners as well as for graduate students. 124 pp. Englisch<
S. M. Abdur Razzak: Photonic Crystal Fibers - Taschenbuch
ISBN: 3838369351
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP Lambert Acad. Publ. Aug 2010], Neuware - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers as well as ways of designing such optical prope… Mehr…
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP Lambert Acad. Publ. Aug 2010], Neuware - This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers as well as ways of designing such optical properties as chromatic dispersion, nonlinearity, confinement loss, birefringence, and effective mode area. The state-of-the-art of the aforesaid application specific design problems have also been presented. FEATURES 1. Describes the basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers and their optical properties. 2. Reviews the literature for application specific design problems. 2. Presents ways to design near-zero dispersion- flat photonic crystal fibers with modest design parameters. 3. Presents ways to manage nonlinearity, confinement loss, and dispersion simultaneously. 4. Reviews the numerical computation techniques and describes the finite difference time domain method. 5. Presents birefringence tailoring techniques and a way to designing large effective mode area. 6. Describes applications and future of the photonic crystal fibers. This book can either be used as a design textbook or a reference source for both beginners as well as for graduate students. 124 pp. Englisch<
S M Abdur Razzak: Photonic Crystal Fibers Design and Applications - Taschenbuch
2010, ISBN: 3838369351
[EAN: 9783838369358], Neubuch, [PU: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing], New Book. Shipped from UK. THIS BOOK IS PRINTED ON DEMAND. Established seller since 2000., Books
NEW BOOK. Versandkosten: EUR 4.64 PBShop.store US, Wood Dale, IL, U.S.A. [8408184] [Rating: 5 (von 5)]
1Da einige Plattformen keine Versandkonditionen übermitteln und diese vom Lieferland, dem Einkaufspreis, dem Gewicht und der Größe des Artikels, einer möglichen Mitgliedschaft der Plattform, einer direkten Lieferung durch die Plattform oder über einen Drittanbieter (Marketplace), etc. abhängig sein können, ist es möglich, dass die von eurobuch angegebenen Versandkosten nicht mit denen der anbietenden Plattform übereinstimmen.
This book offers basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers as well as ways of designing such optical properties as chromatic dispersion, nonlinearity, confinement loss, birefringence, and effective mode area. The state-of-the-art of the aforesaid application specific design problems have also been presented. FEATURES 1. Describes the basic concepts of photonic crystal fibers and their optical properties. 2. Reviews the literature for application specific design problems. 2. Presents ways to design near-zero dispersion- flat photonic crystal fibers with modest design parameters. 3. Presents ways to manage nonlinearity, confinement loss, and dispersion simultaneously. 4. Reviews the numerical computation techniques and describes the finite difference time domain method. 5. Presents birefringence tailoring techniques and a way to designing large effective mode area. 6. Describes applications and future of the photonic crystal fibers. This book can either be used as a design textbook or a reference source for both beginners as well as for graduate students.
Detailangaben zum Buch - Photonic Crystal Fibers
EAN (ISBN-13): 9783838369358 ISBN (ISBN-10): 3838369351 Gebundene Ausgabe Taschenbuch Erscheinungsjahr: 2010 Herausgeber: LAP Lambert Acad. Publ. 124 Seiten Gewicht: 0,202 kg Sprache: eng/Englisch
Buch in der Datenbank seit 2008-09-16T12:57:01+02:00 (Vienna) Buch zuletzt gefunden am 2023-06-10T01:36:31+02:00 (Vienna) ISBN/EAN: 9783838369358
ISBN - alternative Schreibweisen: 3-8383-6935-1, 978-3-8383-6935-8 Alternative Schreibweisen und verwandte Suchbegriffe: Titel des Buches: crystal
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