Development and Estimation of Flexible Semi-Compensatory Choice Models
- neues BuchISBN: 9783838391731
Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-stage choice processes by integrating choice set formation within discrete choice models. However, they are subject to simplifyin… Mehr…
Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-stage choice processes by integrating choice set formation within discrete choice models. However, they are subject to simplifying assumptions that limit their application. The current study proposes a novel semi- compensatory model that alleviates these simplifying assumptions concerning (i) the number of alternatives, (ii) the representation of choice set formation, and (iii) the error structure. The proposed model represents a Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-stage choice processes by integrating choice set formation within discrete choice models. However, they are subject to simplifying assumptions that limit their application. The current study proposes a novel semi- compensatory model that alleviates these simplifying assumptions concerning (i) the number of alternatives, (ii) the representation of choice set formation, and (iii) the error structure. The proposed model represents a sequence of choice set formation based on the conjunctive heuristic with correlated thresholds, and utility-based choice accommodating alternatively nested substitution patterns across the alternatives and random taste variation across the population. The model is accompanied by an innovative two-stage procedure to collect data about semi-compensatory choice processes in a digital economy environment. The proposed model is applied to off-campus rental apartment choice of students in a university city in the core of medium-size metropolitan area. Books, Business & Economics~~Marketing~~General, Development-and-estimation-of-flexible-semi-compensatory-choice-models~~Sigal-Kaplan, , , , , , , , , , AV Akademikerverlag GmbH & Co. KG.<
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Sigal Kaplan:Development and estimation of flexible semi-compensatory choice models
- Taschenbuch 2010, ISBN: 383839173X
[EAN: 9783838391731], Neubuch, [PU: Lap Lambert Acad. Publ. Aug 2010], This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Titel. - Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-… Mehr…
[EAN: 9783838391731], Neubuch, [PU: Lap Lambert Acad. Publ. Aug 2010], This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Titel. - Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-stage choice processes by integrating choice set formation within discrete choice models. However, they are subject to simplifying assumptions that limit their application. The current study proposes a novel semi- compensatory model that alleviates these simplifying assumptions concerning (i) the number of alternatives, (ii) the representation of choice set formation, and (iii) the error structure. The proposed model represents a sequence of choice set formation based on the conjunctive heuristic with correlated thresholds, and utility-based choice accommodating alternatively nested substitution patterns across the alternatives and random taste variation across the population. The model is accompanied by an innovative two-stage procedure to collect data about semi-compensatory choice processes in a digital economy environment. The proposed model is applied to off-campus rental apartment choice of students in a university city in the core of medium-size metropolitan area. 252 pp. Englisch<
| | AbeBooks.deAHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, NDS, Germany [51283250] [Rating: 5 (von 5)] NEW BOOK Versandkosten:Versandkostenfrei (EUR 0.00) Details... |
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
Sigal Kaplan:Development and estimation of flexible semi-compensatory choice models
- neues Buch ISBN: 9783838391731
Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-stage choice processes by integrating choice set formation within discrete choice models. However, they are subject to simplifyin… Mehr…
Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-stage choice processes by integrating choice set formation within discrete choice models. However, they are subject to simplifying assumptions that limit their application. The current study proposes a novel semi- compensatory model that alleviates these simplifying assumptions concerning (i) the number of alternatives, (ii) the representation of choice set formation, and (iii) the error structure. The proposed model represents a sequence of choice set formation based on the conjunctive heuristic with correlated thresholds, and utility-based choice accommodating alternatively nested substitution patterns across the alternatives and random taste variation across the population. The model is accompanied by an innovative two-stage procedure to collect data about semi-compensatory choice processes in a digital economy environment. The proposed model is applied to off-campus rental apartment choice of students in a university city in the core of medium-size metropolitan area. Bücher / Sozialwissenschaften, Recht & Wirtschaft / Wirtschaft / Werbung & Marketing<
| | Dodax.atNr. 57c9efa4cd8cd009453bfeaa Versandkosten:Versandkosten: 0.0 EUR, Lieferzeit: 6 Tage, AT. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
Development and estimation of flexible semi-compensatory choice models
- neues BuchISBN: 9783838391731
Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-stage choice processes by integrating choice set formation within discrete choice models. However, they are subject to simplifyin… Mehr…
Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-stage choice processes by integrating choice set formation within discrete choice models. However, they are subject to simplifying assumptions that limit their application. The current study proposes a novel semi- compensatory model that alleviates these simplifying assumptions concerning (i) the number of alternatives, (ii) the representation of choice set formation, and (iii) the error structure. The proposed model represents a sequence of choice set formation based on the conjunctive heuristic with correlated thresholds, and utility-based choice accommodating alternatively nested substitution patterns across the alternatives and random taste variation across the population. The model is accompanied by an innovative two-stage procedure to collect data about semi-compensatory choice processes in a digital economy environment. The proposed model is applied to off-campus rental apartment choice of students in a university city in the core of medium-size metropolitan area. Bücher, Hörbücher & Kalender / Bücher / Sachbuch / Wirtschaft / Werbung & Marketing<
| | Dodax.deNr. 9AMU330D7GS. Versandkosten:, Lieferzeit: 5 Tage, DE. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.
Sigal Kaplan:Development and estimation of flexible semi-compensatory choice models
- neues Buch ISBN: 9783838391731
Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-stage choice processes by integrating choice set formation within discrete choice models. However, they are subject to simplifyin… Mehr…
Semi-compensatory models show promise in representing two-stage choice processes by integrating choice set formation within discrete choice models. However, they are subject to simplifying assumptions that limit their application. The current study proposes a novel semi- compensatory model that alleviates these simplifying assumptions concerning (i) the number of alternatives, (ii) the representation of choice set formation, and (iii) the error structure. The proposed model represents a sequence of choice set formation based on the conjunctive heuristic with correlated thresholds, and utility-based choice accommodating alternatively nested substitution patterns across the alternatives and random taste variation across the population. The model is accompanied by an innovative two-stage procedure to collect data about semi-compensatory choice processes in a digital economy environment. The proposed model is applied to off-campus rental apartment choice of students in a university city in the core of medium-size metropolitan area. Buch / Broschur<
| | derClub.deNr. 2169314 Versandkosten:, Lieferung nach DE. (EUR 0.00) Details... |
(*) Derzeit vergriffen bedeutet, dass dieser Titel momentan auf keiner der angeschlossenen Plattform verfügbar ist.